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A Bunch of Fable Page 2

  Soon, everyone has received their academic degrees…

  After that…

  Now coming to Model Care Giver Award!

  When our counselor said this word everyone were so, curious to know who’s the winner is?

  The Best Model Care Giver Award goes to…Ayush’

  I was surprised listening my name, that moment everyone was clapping.

  Our counselor replied Ayush! Please come on to the Dias…

  I went on to the Dias and taken the award. While I was moving our counselor said Ayush! Few words:

  I said Good Morning! To one and all, respected dignitaries on the Dias and off the Dias.

  This is my first speech in front of these many crowds.

  I don’t know what to speak right now, but I would like to say something about this. I never thought I would deserve this award. Because I have a phobia not what you think, it’s what I think. The feeling of being Unwanted!

  When our counselor has announced that we all are going to participate in this welfare, I was stunned and I thought can I be able to do…

  But I never thought that I would learn a new thing! How to love a person!

  I think:

  The one who takes care of us until ours death she is the only mother . She is the one you turn to when you need a helping heart!

  I just wanted to be a doctor; in my view I thought it’s a job. But now I think it’s not a job; it’s a hope where people or a patient believes us!

  This is what Destiny which has given me an opportunity! Now, I feel a lot of proud to be.

  I learnt this from Sophia; she is the one from whom I learnt that nature is beautiful. It depends upon what we see! I didn’t understand why she said this word? But now, I mean that…

  Every day I used to follow a quote: But now, I learnt The Best Quote of Mother Teresa she used to say!

  Peace begins with a smile!!!

  Thank you…

  In the life what we aspire, is rather determined by the Destiny!



  It’s a story of an officer which took place as an incident? It’s just not a story of an officer. It’s about an incident that’s how we are facing inadvertently.

  “The incident takes place at the New York, morning 9:00AM.

  I T was night time, 9’oclock. MR Henry a CBI officer was sat in front of firewood, and lighted a cigarette and was thinking about something. Later, for few minutes, I have arrived said hello! MR Henry how are you? He replied with a smile I am ok. MR George come please he said. I sat beside him. Later he asked me how was going on. I replied with smile fine. By answering it he smiled. He said well, and he was thinking something. I asked him what you are thinking. He replied nothing else. Then I was calm, later I replied you’re thinking about an incident that was happened 26 days back right. Said I, listening it he was surprised and replied how do you know? That I was thinking about an incident. Then I said I am a CID officer but also a psychological person. I can study your face. Said I, with a smile he said you’re right. I am thinking about an incident. A murder which was happened 26 days back, and 10 members with a high security, within 24 hrs. The case has been solved. Incredible how can it be possible he questioned? Then I replied it can be solved MR Henry said I, later he said. Am I correct that you have handled that case…then I nodded head? He looked me for few minutes and said how you would solve the case George without the victim he said. I have replied I didn’t solve the case. I have tried to convince to solve the case. He didn’t understand. And he said the person who has been murdered is not a typical man. He’s one of the reputed officer said he. May be but he is no more said I, he was calm, and was seeing me. Later he said do you have any grudge on him. I said no…why did you ask said I, he answered just like. Later, we were calm.

  Few minutes later,

  I said it’s too late. You’re not getting sleep I asked. He replied no… for few minutes we were calm, he was smoking…I was calm. Then I said I’ll narrate the story. So, that you can sleep calm.

  Then I was started him narrating the story. That was happened 26 days back a murdered, an officer MR Christian Darwin was dead shot morning 9:00 AM. Later we were investigated, searched a lot and funded few proofs which are relevant to MR Darwin then I submitted in the court. However I solved the case. Said I, he was calm. He didn’t question me anything else. Later I was silent. Few minutes later, he asked why don’t you caught the victim. I replied because I knew who the victim is, answering it he didn’t understand. Later I said. If you reveal the story hope you could get an answer said I, he was silent and started smoking the cigar. Later, I said good night. And I was moving. He thought for a minute. I was up to the door he turned his face and me too…I smiled seeing him…

  “Every person in this world has an eventuality in his life.

  MR George 60th Batch no. CID officer

  “Every relationship has a romantic love story

  But, few love stories are still incomplete”

  A DECADE OF 1912

  I t begins where the end concludes. That’s true! I was realized that day, when I have experienced it. I too have a love story. Which is incomplete?

  It’s a story of a disaster. That says about a story of an eventuality!

  My tale begins in London.


  Myself I am Aayuv. Aayuv khuran. I have come from India. Everyone comes from their home country to other county for their further studies. But I have come here, to escape from my past.

  There is a proverb that I believe: One Can, Can’t Escape from His Past!

  I am an investigative officer: I have recently completed Masters in Psychology. I was happy with my profession and with my life. Suddenly, few days later, I got a call from India.

  26th December 1912,

  That day, that call which changed my life. I have lifted it. It was my friend Vihaan.

  He’s a CBCID officer in Delhi. He said Hello! Aayuv how are you? Then I replied I am fine. Tell me what about you? He replied me to fine. Later, I have asked what happened. He said Ah…Aayuv I, have a case for you. I said case? Then I asked again what case? He replied Ah…it’s a case about a haunted house.

  I was surprised and smiled. Later, I replied what about a haunted case? Are you kidding? Then he replied Aayuv, it’s not a joke. If you come to India, I can explain. I thought for a while. Then I, replied ok…

  After five years I am going to India again!

  Next day:

  I was landed in Delhi. Later, I went to my residence. Few hours later, I went to CBCID office and there I met Vihaan. By watching over there he came near to me and with smile he hugged by speaking welcome to India.

  Then I replied Hi…after that, we went to his cabin. Later, I asked him tell me now, what happened exactly?

  He said Manali. In that small town there is an old mansion.

  One month back:

  Mr. Henry (he is from U.S) has come to purchase the mansion here. He stayed in that house for one day. That was his last breath. Listening this, I was stunned.

  He said there is something wrong and I can feel it. When I have seen that mansion and the dead body over there. I was shocked. I think there is a sprit in that mansion.

  Listening that, I started laughing…he asked why you are laughing. Then I replied, is this any kind of a joke? Then he got anger and he replied do you think I am kidding and he showed me the pics of that gentleman and he replied look at these. What do you think? Tell me?

  When I had seen the pics, I was shocked. The man was laid on the corridor and the blood was bleeding a lot.

  Then few minutes later, Vihaan replied

  From that day to till now, no one is staying in that mansion…

  That’s why, I wanted it that you to solve the case. Listening it, I replied ok…

  Not for the murder. But to know the fact what lies in that mansion.

  From there, my journey has started to Manali…

  Which t
akes few hours to reach from Delhi to Manali…?

  But, I never thought that this journey would take me faraway…

  Next day:

  I have reached to Manali.

  Mark Len (Mansion): 1912

  While I was reaching over there, at that time: There was a gardener who was streaming the water on tress. Later, he heard the car sound. By hearing that he came running near to the car.

  I have stepped out of the car. At that time: I had worn the cooling glass. After that, I have removed it to watch the mansion clearly…later, the gardener came near to me and he replied hello sir! I said with smile Hi! While I was looking the house. I thought my self that, I think, I belong to this place. It seems that I have already come to this place. At now, it too old

  While I was thinking like that, the gardener replied sir! Myself I am Ramu kaka a gardener and also the care taker of this mansion. I want to tell something about this mansion sir! I said what? He replied as far as I know in this house there is something, A sprit is there. I can feel that!

  Till now, I didn’t go at night time. Because, when the time becomes 12’o clock. There would be more darkness than the dark. I would request you that please go from this place sir. Then I replied with a smile!

  If Destiny Has Brought Me Here

  And The Rest, I Leave It to Destiny

  Let’s see…

  The mystery behind an incomplete story…

  The inspecting continues…

  After that, I have stepped into the mansion. I was watching the whole interior of the house. It was so, quite calm and loneliness. The corridor was so, huge and there was painting over I was thinking in my mind. May be, I think someone is there for a long time. But I don’t know it’s true or not.

  Night time:

  It was 11:45 PM. I sat on a table and there was a lamp beside me and I was inspecting the murder pics. Few minutes later, the time was 12’o clock. When it was 12:00 PM, The clock bell has ringed twice. Suddenly, I heard a scary sound…though listening, I didn’t concentrate on that. Again I heard that sound and my bed room door was little moving slowly…

  Then I turned my face. That time there was no one. I was surprised, I stood up and again suddenly I heard someone’s screaming. I was shocked and I have taken up a lamp in my hand started seeking to know?

  I came out of my room and shouted by saying who’s there…but I didn’t get any response. I searched the hall and the corridor but there was no one. Later, I slept on sofa over there.


  Ramu kaka came and he woke up me by saying sir! Coffee Then I woke up. I have taken the coffee and he was going into the kitchen. Looking that, I replied Ah…Ramu kaka, by listening that he turned his face and replied sir! I came close to him and asked is there any secret behind this mansion? Then he surprised and he replied yes! As far as I known, in this mansion there’s a women sprit lies that’s it.

  By saying that, he went off and I stood like a statue…

  Night time:

  It was 12’o clock. I sat on a sofa and was thinking who can it be? Again I heard someone’s screaming.

  I started checking, as usual there was no one. But I turned my face I found a book a diary like.

  I have taken that book in my hand and was looking for a while!

  After that, I opened the first page, it was written: Memories are Memorable!

  Later, I turned the next page it was written that:

  This tale is about my life and about my love what I have experienced it!

  Manali, 1906:

  In my childhood mom and dad had left me. I became alone. After that, I started to live my life alone itself. I have completed my graduation and my dream was to become a writer and my passion was painting.

  Laurels mill Arts College:

  I have started learning painting. The days were going on quite better. One day, when I was going to my class. I heard music little far away by a gentleman who was playing it with guitar.

  I was fabulous with his music. Every day, I started listening that. I use to be in front of that guy by wearing a scarf and use to listen his music.

  Every day, he uses to look at me and me too. One day, after the music he asked me hello! Can I know your name? Then I didn’t reply and was moving from there. He said I am Aayuv! Aayuv khuran.

  While leaving I said, I am Leica. Then he smiled by looking me…

  One Morning:

  It was 9:00 AM. I was painting about a nature in a dark room. Suddenly, Aayuv have come over there and said hello! By listening, his voice I turned my face. That time too I was wearing a scarf. He asked me here it you wear scarf?

  I was calm and he was looking me. He replied ah…can I ask what you are painting, because, I can’t see the painting that you are drawing. I replied this is a Crepuscular Painting which we can see only through sun rays… listening that he stunned!

  You would like to watch I asked? Then He nodded his head. I kept the painting opposite to the window and went near to window opened it. The rays of sun were slowly falling on the painting and then Aayuv have view the painting what I was really drawing. It was gorgeous painting replied he.

  He said beautiful. Few minutes later, suddenly, there was a lot of wind and my scarf was moving and with speedy wind the scarf was flew away. Looking that Aayuv picked that and meanwhile, he had seen my face and replied finally, I have seen your face. Like that painting you is too gorgeous.

  We both stood like a statue for a while. Then he has given my scarf. I had taken it. He asked me will you marry me. Listening that, I was surprised. My eyes were become so, large. Calmly, I was moving from there. He stood there it. Few minutes later, while I was leaving from that room, Aayuv said eyes won’t say lies, and I know that you like me. By saying this, He turned his face. Listening that I stood for a second over there and then I left off…

  He smiled over there…

  Mark Len (Mansion):

  In my room I was thinking Aayuv; I was walking here and there. Later, I have taken the book and started writing it. By beginning it with the title: Memories are Memorable! Since, long time I was thinking to write a book and with the help of Aayuv I have got a notion.

  Next day:

  Aayuv was alone playing the guitar. Few minutes later, I came near to him…by looking me He stopped playing the guitar and stood in front of me. I too…

  We both were calm for a while. Then I replied you’re right eyes won’t say lie! He was just listening…

  I told again! So, when we are going to marry. He was surprised and He kissed me for a minute…

  Next day: Morning 9:30 AM.

  Marriage registrar office: Aayuv was with his friend Vihaan, and were waiting for me…

  But the time was moving round and round I didn’t come. He was shocked and Vihaan was trying to know about me. But he couldn’t!

  Present: 1912,

  By reading this book and listening that name: I was shocked and surprised. I was thinking is this book, is about my love story…But the tale was incomplete.

  I myself was thinking? What happened to Leica on that day? Why she didn’t come? What’s reason behind this? There were a lot of questions that I have to find out…

  Next day: morning,

  Laurels arts of college, I went over there to know about Leica. I met with the Head counsellor and I asked him. Hello! This is Aayuv khuran I am an investigative officer said I, he replied hello! What can I do for you? Then I replied Ah…I would like to know five years before a woman called Leica use to study over here.

  Can I know about her? By searching the files he replied her names are Mehrun Leica. We heard that she was deceased in an accident. By listening that, I was stunned and replied with smile thanks…

  While leaving, I asked can I know the hospital name where she has been admitted. Then he replied shore.

  Little Thomas Govt Hospital, 1912:

  I went over there and asked the incharge about Leica, she replied about her. Yah…five years before, as per the investigatio
n we come to know her name was Mehrun Leica who lives in a Mark Len.That day she was going to the marriage registrar office and unfortunately, she was hit by a vehicle and was dead.

  She showed me the paper file of Leica and in that the time she admitted was 9:15 AM. I was startled and was out of mind…

  I left from there. I was vacating the hospital by walking…. Later, I returned to Mark Len (Mansion). It was around 6:00 PM. That time I had seen a book on the table. The tale that she had written and which was her dream is still incomplete…

  I have taken the book in my hand and recalled the days that I have spent with her. That time in my eyes tears were filled and a drop of tear had fallen on the book. I cried a lot…

  Now I thought to complete the rest of her story: I started to write.

  Next day: Morning:

  I went over Ruth fellows publishing office: there I submitted this book to the publisher.

  Reading that he asked you didn’t write author by, and he replied whose name shall I write? I replied it smile Mehrun Leica.

  Few days later:

  The publisher called me and gave the first copy of that book. I said with smile thank you. He replied you’re welcome.

  I have taken that and went to Mark Len. While I stepped into that mansion: I recalled my past:

  That day in marriage registrar office when I have waited for a long time Vihaan said Aayuv don’t worry, I think there is something mistake I’ll check and come. Then I replied no, Vihaan leave. Come let’s go…

  I was driving the car alone. While driving I was thinking about her and lot of pain in my heart that she didn’t come…

  Suddenly, opposite to me there was another vehicle and without looking that I have got an accident!

  Few minutes later, when I opened my eyes, I was at hospital and beside me there was Vihaan. He said Aayuv what’s this! Leave this all and go far away from here.

  Then I left my past there it. Thought to start a new life and I went to London!

  But, I didn’t thought that destiny would stand up me at my past.

  I was thinking that day: if I would tried to know about her why she didn’t come today this day would be some other else.