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A Bunch of Fable
A Bunch of Fable Read online
A BUNCH OF FABLE: is the Series Collection of Short Novels. This Book Provides four different Tales, which talks about the true fair journey and a message regarding the each part of line.
The Bunch of Fable: This Has Over Four Novels:
Unwanted: The Feeling of Being
The Desaventure
Memories are Memorable
The Mystery
The Bunch of Fable will be an interesting book to the children and as well as to the consumers who prefer reading about a Sociology, Drama, Romance and Crime Thriller.
Unwanted: The Feeling of Being: This Tale is based on Sociology and respecting other feelings.
The Desaventure: This Book is based on Crime Thriller to the children’s to enjoy reading the thriller about an incident and guess to the victim who is?
Memories are Memorable: One CanCan’t Escape from Their Past which is based on our past. This is true we can never go far from our past, because behind of every past there is a secret.
The Mystery: we often read the thriller comic books. But this is versatile of all. This story deals between lawyer and CBI.
Thanks to
Ramesh Sir Garu
Rajashekar Sir Garu
Anjaneyulu Sir Garu
- Thanks for your Support.
The biggest disease
today is not leprosy
or tuberculosis
but rather
the feeling
of being Unwanted.
Mother Teresa
With an Inspiration
G ood morning! Today’s Quote: “Thoughts are what we think, Not are we” This is what I believe.
I am Ayush from India. For the further studies I have come to Australia. I have a phobia not what you think! It’s what I think: The Feeling of Being: ‘UNWANTED’
Latrobe University (MELBOURNE):
Where I was pursuing my physician! Coming to our college library, here are a lot of books than students. So, funny right! Coming to our class, which is Hi-Fi
With a good atmosphere and amenities this is best in my view.
25th August, 2018.
We all were happy that we all have completed our graduation and we all were enjoying. This was the last moment in our college and we were happy that tomorrow we all are going to receive an honor regarding our academic degrees.
Next day:
We all have gathered at our college garden. Which was decorated with floras and a lot, I and my friends were standing at one side.
There over…
The program had started at 9:30AM. The entire Guest and our Counselor have come over.
Our Counselor had started to speak: Good Morning Everyone! First of all, I would like to congratulate each of you for this significant accomplishment.
The Future of Science is in your hands!
Coming to Event:
Everyone are so, curious to receive their academic degrees!! Before you all receive your degrees, I would like to say a few words: Regarding this Day and the intent of conducting the event today?
As you all know Today 26th August which is celebrated as the:
Saint Hood Day of Mother Teresa! Today is Mother Teresa’s Birthday!
Broadly, what we do on this day, you know? I’ll tell: we purchase a Bouquet or a garland with bucks of Rs. 50/- and we just place beside her photo…
I don’t think, That’s what celebrating: it doesn’t deserve any respect regarding her.
You know: what deserves to gain respect regarding someone’s is:
To fulfill their obligation on what have they done? At least little bit!
Last time; when I have attended to a University as a Chief Guest! I have seen there a Social Welfare Regarding on Care Giver! An event conducted by the university. I felt a lot of delightful there.
After that, I thought this welfare regarding on care giver I too should start in my university. While our professor was speaking this word: I and my friends were confused. Then again he was saying: later, I have started to discuss with my staff and with their help I am beginning this social welfare regarding on care giver! With your batch!
When he said this word: I was out of mind. This was really a big twist for our batch.
Everyone was stunned. Listening, this word. Then again our counselor replied:
21 days the program will be held regarding on care giver, you all will be allotted a partner very soon and when this session completes you all will receive your academic degrees and the winner in this welfare will be awarded! Best Model Care Giver Award!! On18thSeptember.
The main motive is to know that you all deserve to be a doctor or not?
Because a doctor should not feel uncomfortable when he works on his profession!
From tomorrow morning 9’o clock the program will be ginned, your incharge will guide you.
I wish you everyone All the Best!! Thank you!!!
I was out of mind. I don’t know what to do? After that, the event has been winded up.
Next day: Morning!
It was 9’o clock. Mr. Mere was incharge of our batch. I and my friends were one batch. He had taken us to the Hospital.
Laurels Mill Hospital:
It was so, huge and was peaceful. I said sir! Why are we here? Are we going to donate a blood, if it’s that? Then we all are ready to donate the blood. Because this one too comes under the social welfare, While I saying this word everyone were smiling.
Then Mr. Mere smiled and he said no! Listening, that I was confused. Later, he said come on...I’ll tell you. We all were following him. We all stepped in the hospital. We all were walking…all of were tensed and me too…
Later, we went into the ward room. There were a lot of patients. We all went at ward no: 150. There we all seen a Girl she was on bed and was taking rest!
I and my friends didn’t understand. Later, Mr. Mere replied she is ‘Andrea’
Since from her child hood she has an Acro Phobia & she is mentally unstable. I and my friends were listening, it was good to listen. But now, we were in confuse that now, why is he revealing all this??
Mr. Mere said moreover: she is orphan, no one are here to take care about her. Few orphan foundations are taking care. But now for 21 days you have to take care about her. Listening this word: we all were surprised…in that I was meaning a lot.
Later, he said ‘Rustle’ from today you have to look after her. Listening this Rustle was stunned. I and rest of my friends were laughing looking him.
Rustle replied: but sir she is a girl. How could I take care of her? Then Mr. Mere said that’s what we would like to know Gender Bias… A Doctor should doesn’t have any feelings regarding to a Gender Bias and moreover coming to take care.
I was thinking in my heart ‘he has gone’. Thereafter, Mr. Mere replied All the Best Rustle!
Like that, everyone of my friend was given them a task. Finally, I was left…
I was thinking my god! Now I only left. Whom I am going to get a god I was thinking in my mind.
Later, Mr. Mere has taken me to another ward: it was little bit dark and few distances a man was brining a girl towards me on a wheel chair. I have closed my eyes and was thinking twice and twice god…I have to get a good one…I was repeating this word continually.
Mr. Mere replied Ayush look her and while he said this word. Slowly I have opened my eyes and have seen her on wheel chair. The man had open the curtains through the sun rays I have seen her clearly…she was gorgeous and innocent.
While she was looking me with a smile! Mr. Mere replied she is Sophia, in an accident she had lost her two lower limbs. Your task is to look after her and if possible cure her little bit.
Though she was good pretty, but being she is hand
icapped I was feeling unstable. Later the man had taken her from there. I stood there itself like statue.
Mr. Mere replied Ayush remember we will be watching, I was shocked listening this word. He said look this word I didn’t say to anyone but to you because you know very well.
I was stood like statue. He again replied Ayush but I think you will learn a lot from this. See, we love a person if she is good and pretty or less we go far from them.
That doesn’t deserve any humanity! I was surprised listening this word.
Last but not least Mr. Mere said All the Best Ayush! Saying this he left off…
It’s a break time for me…
I and Sophia were at her residence. It was so, beautiful the interior and exterior are gorgeous. After that we stepped into the house. I was watching the house
Then I have seen my room it was so, good. Well first of all I’ll be fresh up and after that I’ll think what to do, I thought in my mind.
Few minutes later, I have come down there I have seen Sophia she was reading the books. I thought why to disturb her. I went into the kitchen and then I have made coffee. Holding a cup in my hand I went near Sophia, she had seen me and I replied coffee then she had taken with smile by saying thank you.
I said I am Ayush, she said Sophia. Later I started having coffee. We didn’t even talk a lot. We both were calm
Evening time:
It was 9’o clock. While I have come to prepare dinner, on the Dining Table the dinner was already prepared. I smiled and beside Sophia was there itself.
I asked her is this all have you prepared she replied with smile yes! I said great! Then we both had a Dinner.
Next day: Morning Day2:
I woke up at 10’o clock and have been freshen up. Later, I step down and I have seen Sophia she was working on laptop. I was shocked browsing her I thought maybe she woke up early. I went near her and replied Ah…Good Morning! She too replied with smile Very Good Morning! I said sorry, I have been late. She replied no…not a problem. I smiled and I replied Ah… Coffee? She said with smile Yah…Then I said wait a second. Then I have made coffee and later I have given to her by saying here…she replied thank you. Later, she was busy with her work and I was busy with my works.
As usual the day was…
Morning, Day3:
This time I woke up early and step down as usual I have seen Sophia she was working on laptop. I thought in myself is there anything in that laptop. Every time when I seen her she just bee’s stick to the laptop.
As the screenplay was same I replied with smile Good Morning! She replied with smile Very Good Morning! Then again she was working on laptop.
I said Ah…shall we go for a walk. Listening this she was stopped working on laptop and have seen my face. I said what…what happened did I ask something wrong? She smiled and said no Ayush but I can’t come. I said why? I am there with you, and again I replied you know going for a morning walk it gives us a lot of pleasure…I said come lets’ go…
After that, I have taken Sophia out. When we stepped out of house Sophia felt something new feeling. I have taken to park we walked for a mile. Then I said to her shall we have coffee? She nodded and I brought the coffee we both have over in park.
For the first time she was so, happy and looking her I felt so, of much of delightful.
Night time:
While I was going to my room I have seen Sophia that time she was taking the tablets and I thought in my mind here I am for taking care of her. But she didn’t ask anything till now why??
Next day:
As usual…
Days were stirring quiet better!!
Every day I used to take out her for an hour. She used to feel happy!
Evening time:
Promptly, when the time was 5’o clock Sophia started playing the piano. I was surprised and listening the music I have come down and have seen Sophia.
She was playing the music for 15 minutes continually. The music was regarding the happiness she is playing. I was just browsing her and listening the music.
After a while, she stopped playing the music. I was calm and she too…
She said: you know Ayush after long time I have played the piano again. Today I am so, happy, just because of you.
I was calm, and just listening what she was saying!!
Then she narrated her story:
I am from Belgium. I used to reside with my family. From childhood I use to play piano when I used to feel a lot of happy. Then I got a seat in Melbourne University for M.B.A graduation. There over I have accomplished it. I got a job over here in MNC Company. Later, I have purchased here a house.
Mom and dad used to reside in Belgium. For a vacation they used to come here spend few days with me.
Three months back:
For a vacation they have come here and were happy, a lot of fun and joyful I used to be with my family.
After the vacations lapsed, I have picked them to drop at Airport.
We were moving in a car and I was in speed. While driving, I was speaking with my mom and dad. While we were on bridge and due to the snow I didn’t see clearly suddenly, from the opposite side the wagon has come in speedy way and unfortunately, we were hit by the wagon and in a second I lost my family.
While she said this word she was getting tears in her eyes. She again replied: after that, I felt unconscious. When I opened my eyes the doctor replied I have become paralyzed.
Few days later, I lost my job. I don’t know what to do. Days were going on…
I thought to forget my past and to start a new life. Now I am working in a small sector company regarding home based job.
She cried for a while after narrating this all, she said thank you Ayush I felt happy just because of you…
I stood calm, and I too felt sorrow listening her tale!
It was too late, later Sophia had slept and in my room I was thinking about her…
Next Day, Morning:
It was 9’o clock. I went in Sophia’s room and opened the curtains with sun rays falling on her face she opened her eyes. Looking me, I replied with smile Good Morning! Then I said here is your coffee…she was watching me differently I asked what happened? She said nothing. I asked watching the nature! Nature is so, beautiful right? Then she replied it depends upon what we see…
I didn’t understand what she said?? After that, I replied:
I would like to tell one thing, she asked what? I replied we are going for a holiday for few days: she said no I can’t come. I said I have already booked the tickets. Now, there is no reason to tell No”.
Look Sophia I have come here to take care of you, and my responsibility to make you happy!
After that, we went for a holiday at Melbourne resorts. I started taking care of Sophia. While I was taking care she was watching me differently, I said what happened? Why you are watching me? I said you’re thinking these many days he didn’t take care about me and now suddenly, he’s taking care right! She said no…then what said I? she said these many days I didn’t feel happy. But when you are near to me I feel so, happy. I smiled listening this word.
I started searching about paralysis to cure with Ayurvedic products. I started to massage her lower limbs and use to do her exercise regarding paralysis.
We use to enjoy the holidays and as well as I was working on her disease to cure.
Days were passing…
After five days we returned from holidays…
I started treatment to Sophia in my style. I use to hold her hand by saying to get up from wheel chair and try to walk…
The first two days she felt little pain and from the third day she started get up from wheel chair.
In a free time, she used to read books. One day she was playing the piano again. I said hey! Will you teach me piano? She smiled and said of course.
I said ok…I’ll try she said me the basic keywords and I started playing on her guidance. When I pla
yed the piano for first time I thought this is so, hard to learn.
She said you’re right it’s not easy. I said look, one day before leaving I’ll play the piano in your mother language French.
She said my god! You want to learn French? I said yes! She smiled and me too
Every day: I used to learn piano, and she used to practice to move up from wheel chair.
Morning Time, while I was stepping down. I have seen Sophia and I was surprised.
She is walking with the help of clutches. I said Wahoo…that’s great; you can walk now…she said just because of you.
I said really:
Days were stirring quiet better’ and I smiled!
Day21, Night time:
While I was giving medicine to Sophia she was replying today is the last day right!
I smiled and said take it... I replied Good Night!
Next day: Morning!
It was 9’o clock. Sophia was sleeping. Few minutes later, she woke up! When she waken up she listened the music of mine and later she heard the song! She came out of her room and later she saw me and at that time I was playing the piano and singing the song!
When I have completed my song and then Sophia came near to me and she replied really it was so, good. Finally you did it. I said thanks…
So, I said on this occasion we shall have something special. Sophia didn’t understand. I said sham pin. She smiled and later, we both had sham pin together.
It’s time to go said I, replied I wish you to be every time happy Ah…what we say in French to be every time happy. Then she replied “être chaque fois heureux”. Later, I said Bye…
She was looking at me while I was vacating…
In our college Felicitation award ceremony as well as academic degree honors:
Our counselor was giving a speech saying: Good Morning to all. I wish you all who have participated in Model Caregiver Award have learnt something regarding this welfare.
Every work learns a new experience for us! So, without wasting the time first you all will honored with your academic degrees and there over will be announce the Caregiver Award.