A Bunch of Fable Read online

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  While I was thinking like that: that moment blue shaded colour rays were falling in the house of mansion. That time:

  I have seen Leica’s Spirit. When I had seen that I was stunned. She was striking:

  I never thought would I, meet you in this circumstance.

  Destiny has brought me in this way that nothing left to speak.

  I used to wish you to be with me forever. But the destiny has taken me from you far away…

  Maybe, this is determined by the destiny…

  I feel: in the life what we aspire, is rather determined by the destiny!

  I am not with you but I am in your heart forever and ever…

  One more thing is that I am so curiosity to tell: I love you!

  By speaking this she vanished!!!

  I was stood there itself. After that, I was watching the rays and I recalled that day: when Leica told me about crepuscular painting. That time there was a painting and I didn’t notice it from first day. When the sun rays were falling on that:

  I have seen the painting background with a beach and Leica seated over moxie beside her it was written:

  Memories are Memorable!

  Don’t escape from your past

  It won’t let you sleep!





  (The Secret of a Disaster)


  T begins where the end concludes. Loneliness is eating the mortal.

  It’s a story of a disaster. That says about a story of an eventuality.

  “Says that to be coped in life should have to be spar in the life.

  I believe in that. From that day the disaster that was happened in my life.


  High court 26Dec, 11:15AM everyone was gathered at that time including media. They were reporting to the public that today the day comes to be true. MR Akash Malhotra

  India top most solicitor .today he had taken up the case of his wife. Mr’s Aarushi and against him MR Arunav Singh an IB officer who had never loss the case, inspecting is that today who will be the conqueror in both of them. Within 5minutes the verdict is going to be given by the judge. Watch being the live TV.in the court everyone was very enthusiasm that who will win the case and was calm. I was at one side, another side was the justice given by the judge and other side was the to whom I love. Within 5minutes justice would be given by the judge. I was very strain. I think this is the first time to be. Because today I was between life and death. I was once closed my eyes and recalled my days that I have spent. An eventuality that was happened 1year backs a murdered. 3months later an investigation, 10 days back an incident that was changed my life.

  Mumbai, I am Akash Malhotra India’s best solicitor. I have won my case and coming out of the high court. While I was going near to my car everyone was gathered and media surrounded me they were asking few questions? How you are feeling about your success? But I refused to reply their questions and went off in a car. Later I have come to my house. I stepped in my house. At that time my dad (Rajiv Malhotra) was appeared in front of me and said with a smile congress. Then I replied with smile thank you. Later I have went into the kitchen opened a cupboard and have taken a whisky bottle and one glass then I have poured into the glass taken into the hand went near to the garden and was observing the environment and the flowers and was drinking with smile. I was thinking about the happiness were it lies. In my mind because it lies in our soul. Life is full of pleasure. I don’t know what happiness is. Because I never felt happy in my life. When I look at the nature I feel the happiness and when I rescue someone that gives me a lot of happiness. That is a life I feel. Later a servant came and informed me that Akash sir your father is calling, he said. Then I went near to dad when I approached in front of him he replied

  Come Akash today’s is my friends daughter’s marriage and he has invited our family so, be ready at sharp 6’oclock ok... I replied with a smile ok... Dad later we went to the party and I worded black colour suit. Everyone was welcoming with a pleasure later they welcomed me and my parents. When they have seen at him they said pleasure to see you here Akash said they. I have smiled then we sat in a front seat. The priest was reading the hymn. Then he replied please call the bride then they brought the bride while looking I thought she was very happy and she worded red colour sari. Then again the priest said call the bride groom later he has approached he was wearing white colour sharewani

  Seeing him I was smiled. He was handsome good looking the bride parents were very happy because if we get a cultural family and our chid is going to be a member in one of that we feel really happy, at that time I was very happy. Later, completing the marriage

  Night time, I was stood in front of the table and was very calm and was thinking about happiness. Later my dad has come and asked me you didn’t slept. Then I replied no... Again he asked me what you’re thinking then I replied with smile nothing. Then I said today I felt very happy seeing the couples and the parents. Then dad replied of course when we are marring it gives us lot of happiness and most of us parents will feel happy and us. He said again look at Akash happiness will be for fraction of second but if you want to really happy it depends upon your consent. I was calm then he said good night… I just nodded my head with smile. For few minutes I was there it ‘self alone. That’s true dad I said and went off.

  Morning, in Gujarat the court was staying an ordered for a family who lost their daughter. The judge confessed that the case will be reopens and will be handover to an IB officer MR Arunav Singh.

  Arunav Singh has landed in a car at the Gujarat police station, opened his door, lighted a cigar and was going to his cabin. When he was stepped in police station everyone was sleuthing him saying good morning sir. He just left off with calm and was sat in his seat.

  He was too calm. Later he called Rajesh (SI officer) call them he said. Then Rajesh replied yes sir! Few minute later the family they have taken their seats. Then he asked what would you like to take? Tea or coffee, they were calm later, he said Rajesh bring me cold coffee. Then he replied ok… sir everyone was calm few minutes later he asked well what happened with your daughter? He questioned then they replied we are middle class family sir, and we have daughter name krithika she was brilliant in studies. In school, colleges she use to get top rank. We were used to be very happy seeing her later, completion of M.B.A we thought to marry her. She consented a guy name was Yohaan he’s too love our child. Soon we married them. Two years happened their marriage she used to be very happy and she calls us every day listening her words we used sleep very happy. At that time we thought she has chosen a correct life partner. But two years later, she never called us again we were used to try her phone but the response was to be switch off. Day was gone. Looking it one year happened we didn’t get any response from her we were so scared and though to complaint in the police station. Three months we use to go to the police station every day. But they use to only one answer that we are trying and could get any information we would call you. Seeing it we were worried about our child. Where would worried about how she is now? Then my friend advised me to appeal in the court so, that the court will take a charge. Soon we have appealed in the court.

  He was calm and was listening. Later he responded do you have any photo of your daughter and her husbands he asked? Then the family had given a photo of the couple. Few minutes later, they replied we heard about you a lot that if you would take up any case you never leave it. Hope you would solve our case said they. Then he was calm and replied you may leave now.

  Later, they left off the police station and soon Rajesh (SI officer) with a coffee. Kept In front of the Arunav. Said coffee sir, he picked up the coffee and replied Rajesh what do you think this case is so complicated no he said. Rajesh replied yes sir, we are trying from last three months but we couldn’t get any clue said he. Later Arunav was drinking a coffee and looking at the photo. Then
he replied Rajesh I want previous file of this case in front of my table. Rajesh replied shore sir, he replied go head.


  I wake up at 9’o clock and have fresh up. Later I went near to dad cabin, said good morning dad. Seeing me he replied good morning. At that time he got a call. He pick up the phone and said I will be there tomorrow morning ok… thank you said he and kept off. He said with me Akash I have to leave today night to attend meeting in Delhi. Could you do me a favour? Then I said yes…he said you have to go Houston there is my friend Mark he has a problem with an issue can you solve it said he. I replied with smile not a problem. I’ll go said. Thanks said he. I just smiled again well will meet later said he, and went off. I stood with smile there itself.

  Later, MR Arunav was checking the files of recent on krithika’s investigation. He was turning the papers of the file and he responded that Rajesh there’s nothing in this file. Said he, later, he was calm for few minutes and said do one thing bring the watchmen and the driver interrogate them. I think we may get any information said he, Rajesh said yes sir… he was speaking with himself that something is lacking behind.


  I was landed in my car at the airport. Later, I went inside with my luggage and have the boarding pass, later I went inside the flight and have sat in my seat, and everyone was sat in their seat. Few minutes later the air hostess was annoying please keep your sear belts and switch the mobiles then, everyone was switch their mobiles. Then the flight was moving slowly on the runway... and it was take off...

  In the Mumbai police station MR Arunav was sat in his cabin and was rolling with his hands a ball on the table. Few minutes later, Rajesh has brought the two guys the security and the driver, they both stood in front of the IB officer then he was seeing their faces, and said well, what’s your name? Then the security answered with an afraid I am Raghu and again he turned face at the driver and asked yours then he replied Ah…shaven sir…listening it he said with smile nice name. Later he asked Ah… tell where did your boss and his spouse has gone? Then they answered Ah… we don’t now sir where did they went. He replied ok… again he asked how many years you are pursing. They replied five years onwards sir... listening it he replied good. Everyone was calm few minutes later, he asked how is to be? They replied well, and care a lot about us. Hearing it he smiled and responded I heard if someone says if a person is nice guy then there is something reason behind him. I am right said he…listening it they were calm and was shivering seeing them he said ok… leave it off. What would you like to have Tea, Coffee at that time they were calm he singled Rajesh Ah… bring three coffees then he said yes sir, why are you standing sit down said he. Then they both seen their faces and later they sat, he said you know one continuous working on investigation it’s so irritation job, what do you think he asked, then they smiled seeing them with smile he said I am right no… and he laughed they were smiling later, the coffee man brought the three coffees and he has served then Arunav said have it, and he picked up the coffee and started drinking. They were calm. Seeing them he Hmm… then they picked up the coffee and stared drinking. Later, he asked how much you earn then the security answered 7000/- sir and the driver replied 10000/- sir, can you survive with this said he, immediately the driver replied Array, o sir, he use to give a lot for us both in few circumstance said he..

  Then he smiled, and said if we friendly with public know we can get a lot of information said. Then they were shocked later, Arunav became serious and said now, tell me where did your boss went? Soon the driver answered really we don’t know… sir because at that time I was not there I was at my village. Listening it he asked why? Then the drivers replied because he gave little money and said go and enjoy for few days that’s it…then Arunav asked why don’t you say earlier? They replied because we don’t want involve in this. Later, we know to come this, and resigned the job and currently we are pursuing in another job. He was calm, few minutes later he said you may vacate. Then Rajesh said to the guys go… listening it they vacated the place. Later, Rajesh asked to the Arunav sir I think this case is so complicated. Then he replied may be but not much.

  Morning, I was landed in US airport. I was moving out of the airport. Later, one man has appeared given me a shake hand and said welcome to US. I am Paul secretary of MR Mark said he. Then I have given a shake hand and replied with a smile glad to meet you MR Paul. He was beside the car opened the door and said please and I replied thank you. Later, he sat in front of the car and the driver drove the car. We were going on… later, there was traffic signal. We stopped for few minutes. At that time I was looking at outside here and there at that time on the cycle there was girl with which colour dress she was so gorgeous her hairs was curly and her eyes were so beautiful she was going on cycle with a smile. I was striving her only. I think she was first girl too see like that. I thought to marry her at that time. After some time she disappeared and traffic signal accessed. The driver started driving again. I was smiled at that time. Again I thought when I will see her. Few minutes later, the driver had stopped the car in front of the guest house. I have stepped out of the car. And have seen the house its name was “Blue Orchid”. MR Paul said how it is, I replied with smile gorgeous. Come said he,

  Then I stepped the house. It was like a palace. I was very delight full at that time. The interior was awesome. I was seeing the house later Paul said ok… will meet later, said he. Then I smiled. He left off. I was alone. I was thinking like a haunted house. Later I went into the bedroom and I have kept my luggage there. I have relaxed for few minutes.

  In a car Arunav Singh landed at Gaurav’s house. He opened the car door and removed the googlies and was seeing the house. It was surrounded with flowers

  And garden later he and Rajesh entered into Gaurav’s house. They opened the door stepped into the hall and was seeing. They were calm. Arunav said Rajesh I’ll check the bedroom then Rajesh replied ok… sir I ‘will check here. He just nodded head. Later both were in seeking. Arunav slowly stepped into the bedroom. When he stepped into the room he was seeing the whole room. Slowly he went near to bed. Beside there was a table on that there was a photo of Gaurav’s and his spouse. Seeing that he picked up it and was striving. Few minutes later, he turned back and was looking everything. The complete room was filled with a baby’s posters again he checked the cupboard and opened the draws he didn’t leave anything his eyes were on each item. After completion he was coming out of it.when he was stepping out once again he turned the face back. There he had seen the marriage group’s photo. Later Rajesh came and said sir, I didn’t get anything here. Listening it he was calm and said ok… let’s go…

  both of there were coming out of the house. When they came out Rajesh replied sir, so strange no. we didn’t get any clue. Then he replied you’re right. We didn’t get anything. But I think something we are missing. What can be it? Again Arunav said do one thing will once will go the Krithika’s house hope we get something. Then Arunav and Rajesh sat in car and drove to the Krithika’s house. In the Krithika’s house her parents were quiet. Opposite to them there was a photo of Krithika’s. Few minutes later Arunav and Rajesh arrived there. They stepped into the Krithika’s house. They were seeing their parents they were so sad. Later, the father of Krithika’s seen them and said do you find anything he asked. At that time Arunav said no…he asked I came here to know about Krithika. Then Krithika father said what? He replied Ah… Krithika’s husband Yohaan how is to be he questioned? The father answered Good. Again he asked Ah…do you know who is to be so close to Krithika. I mean to say friend. Then he replied Saanvi Aarushi she used to be so closer to Krithika said he… then Arunav replied where she is right now? He asked. Krithika father replied I think US. Currently she is pursuing M.B.B.S course. Then Arunav said still anyone he asked. Then Krithika father replied no…later, Arunav said ok…thank you. They were coming out of the house. And Arunav said Rajesh do one thing open the details of Saanvi Aarushi check were she is right now. I think we may g
et any clue from her. Then Rajesh said ok…sir

  Night time,

  It was around 12’oclock. When it has been the clock started ringing. I was writing a novel on the table in my room. Few minutes later, I heard a sound saying, Akaaash…Akaash… I was hearing continuously. Then I stopped writing and turned my face. There was no one… again I started writing. Later again I heard a sound Akaash…Akaash… I stopped writing and I get-up from my chair. Went near to the corridor and I said who is that? But there was no one. I just came out ofmy room and was seeing that is some was there here or not. But there was no one… I think it was hallucination. Later, I went near to the fridge opened it taken the water bottle and was returning to my room. At that moment someone was behind me… there was sprit behind me...i didn’t seen it and calmly went off. Later I sat on my bed and was drinking little water, later I slept off.


  I woke up.it was 7’oclock the sun has been risen. I have taken the coffee in my hand and I stood near balcony seeing the nature, it was so beautiful and was drinking the coffee. Few minutes later, I went inside and fresh up. I wore a black colour suit and I was coming out. Then I stood in a hall I was seeing the chandelier at that time I was thinking something. Few seconds after I left off.

  I went in car near MR Mark’s house. Later, I rang the bell the apprentice has opened seeing him I asked is Mr Mark’s in house. Yes he is. Who are you? He questioned then I replied I am Akash. Then he ok…please come inside sit there he will arrive in few minutes. Then with smile I replied ok…I sat in sofa. There was a magazine on a table opposite to me. I picked up it. And was reading it… in that MR Mark arrived and I am sorry I was late he said, listening it I stood with smile I replied not a problem. Then he smiled please he said. Then we both sat in sofa opposite. He asked me what you would like to drink. Then I answered Ah… cold coffee. He said waiter two cold coffees. I was calm he said you look same as to your father. Then I smiled. I and your dad were studied ten years together later I settled here he in India that’s it. I was calm; he said I heard about you a lot. My brother recently taken land from others. Later he came to know that it was a litigation site. They did a fraud with my brother. We appealed in court. But there were no proofs against them. We want to defeat them that’s was. I know that I can trust your dad for that sake I have called him. Later, he said these are the site papers and gave it to me. Then I said look at it… few minutes after the waiter had brought the coffee he kept the tray on the table. Mark said with smile have it…then I have taken and I drank it. Later, I said ok…then I’ll meet your tomorrow said I, I went off from there.